Review Week Comments and Feedback
1.Feedback In
I found the feedback from my classmates very beneficial. Especially with the project tasks it was very beneficial to be able to hear peoples thoughts and opinions on the ideas that I had. It was great being able to read the comments on your blog to find out what people thought was good and what people thought was bad or needed improvement.
Also, because we were also given thoughts about how to give good feedback, the comments were very extensive and educational. The people who left comments were asking questions, giving ideas, giving their opinion on ideas and much more so it was very beneficial to have all of this feedback at hand.
The most useful comments were people reassuring you that you game ideas were good ones. A few things that I got good feedback on, I implemented into my game.
2.Feedback Out
I kind of struggled with giving feedback to other students. Especially when there was a minimum word count on the comments that we were leaving I felt like I would go back after a few sentences. It is very hard to voice your opinion in the right words while also being a good help to whoever's post you are commenting on.
What I felt I was good at was giving feedback on people's games. I am a big gamer and I have been playing games on console for years so I felt that I was well educated in the world of gaming. My preferred game type was definitely shooters so when someone was taking a unique spin on this genre I felt that I was well equipped to give them my opinion and also to pose questions to them on things that they may not have thought of.
What I felt was very beneficial were the task to read and write about different feedback strategies. It is very important to give good feedback because it can cause offence but also it is important because these are people's projects and blogs so it is your job to help them make it better.
3.Blog Comments
In my opinion, making blogs and commenting on other people's blogs is a great way to know your classmates. Before I started this module, of course I knew my classmates but I did not know them to the extent that I do now.
I am happy with my blog and my introduction post. For my introduction post I am happy with it because it is a good representation of who I am and what my interests are. In terms of my other posts, I feel like my blog is a good representation of who I am and it is a good place to get to know me.
4.Looking Forward
One thing that I would change going into the future is to leave better feedback on people's blog posts. I am grateful for how people's feedback has helped me so I want to return the favor to the people of my class.
Image Information:
Photograph from Dolly mount Beach that I took