Friday, 29 November 2019

Unity Free Tutorials

Unity Free Tutorials
The tutorial thatbi watched was a very simple demonstration on how restart a level in the Unity Engine. The maker of the video made a very simple set of platforms to replicate a obstacle  course game.
 He then created a large 3D rectangle and placed it along the ground. He disabled the collider by he also activated the net as a trigger. Once this was done he opened up the C# script. 
In the C# script he made the code to make the scene restart when the player falls onto the floor. Upon start the engine would open up the scene. Then for the OnTriggerEnter tag, the game will restart the scene. 
The result was that when the player falls off of the platforms and triggers the script, the scene would restart and the player will be in the starting position again. 
He also mentions that we can add sounds to the script. Maybe upon start music could start playing and when the script is triggered there could be a sound in order to indicate failure. 

This tutorial is very useful because almost all games involve respawning of some sort.

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Unity Tutorial 06