Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Games Testing

Games Testing

For this weeks reading task, we focused on the subject on testing peoples games and giving criticism.
The first piece of writing that I read was by "Giving Criticism- the good, the bad and the ugly" by Thomas Carillo. Link: http://theclosetentrepreneur.com/giving-criticism-the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly
In this blog the author talks about giving people criticism and some of the common mistakes that people make. It is so easy for an arguement to kick off just because someone has tried to crtic someone elses hard work. In this blog, the author gives us some great examples on how to give CONTSTRUCTIVE criticism instead of just judging someone and telling them everything that you dont like about it.

The second piece of writing that I read was "Challenges for Game Designers" by Brenda Brathwaite. Link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/158450580X?ie=UTF8&tag=gamedesiconc-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=158450580X
In this piece of writing the author goes into detail about some of the obstacles and challenges that game designers must overcome in order to be successful. Weve read about gane design principles before but this is a more specific and detailed example of some of the things that people in the industry will encounter when developing games.

The last piece of reading that I studied were Bryon Collins Playtest Notes. Link: http://publisherperspective.blogspot.com/2009/08/playtest-notes-on-initiative-frontline.html?m=1
This was a great read because Bryon is a game publisher and he gives his insights on playtesting games and making the small changes that make a huge difference.

Image info: 
Image of xbox console controller: https://pixabay.com/photos/xbox-game-handle-entertainment-283116/

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